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Load_Image marker name
Hi Steven, I miss the option to name the marker in module Load_Image. It would be ver... |
10 year | 3 | 2955 |
Testing an integer array for emptyness
Hi, I need to test in a robo file if there exists a Harris_Corner, how can I achieve it? Does "if H... |
10 year | 2 | 2754 |
How detecting abondoned objects
Hi, does anybody know what modules should be used to detect abondoned objects? Backgr... |
10 year | 2 | 2396 |
Write_Variables, changing Filename
Hi STeven, when I change the name of the destination filename then I will get a new file for every ... |
11 year | 2 | 2589 |
Statistics with a black picture
Hi STeven, Color_Statistics Moment_Statistics Geometric_Statistics | 11 year | 2 | 1905 |
Read_HTTP Timeout
Hi STeven, the 'Read_Http' command fails sometimes for some seconds on all connections. It looks ... |
11 year | 2 | 1887 |
Crop display
Hi STeven, when I use the 'Crop' module, the display looks like you are using the wrong extents (... |
11 year | 2 | 2501 |
Blob_Count changes current immage
Hi STeven, when I use the module Blob_Count, the current image will be affected in a way that is no... |
11 year | 2 | 2501 |
Ball Spin Calculation [2]
Hi Arif, the modul 'Optical_Flow' comes in mind... CubaMadre;... |
11 year | 3 | 1747 |
multiple tabs
Currently it is not possible to work with more than two tabs. You can create more than two tabs, you can save it, but they will ... |
11 year | 2 | 1826 |
how to increment/decrement a variable?
Hi, does anybody know if there is way to increment/decrement a variable on robo's side? | 11 year | 2 | 2854 |
second tab issues
a) When I use a second tab, the image width and height are different than that one from the first tab and ignores the extent of ... |
11 year | 2 | 1815 |
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