20 posts
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How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [8]
Thanks for your comments. I still can't get the Relay_x to change to 1 Please see at...
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [24]
Thank you Steven....
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [6]
Now I'm stuck Steven. Even the original .robo file you wrote is not changing the state of Relay_X variable.
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [22]
Hi, currently now I'm in the process of selecting components to build the PC to use the program you wrote for me....
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [5]
I've added some more conditions to see if the potatoe is ok - the color filter to search for yellow (cut potatoe) and green (ra...
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [21]
Thanks for clarification. I need to educate myself a little more.... About the shifting of the cent...
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [4]
I trying to setup the Blob filter using all variants of circular filter but this is not really working well with oval potatoes a...
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [19]
The only thing I can't really understand is why you use the "added_to_trigger_queue" variable - I can't really get it what i...
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [15]
Thank you very much for your patience. Based on your advice I put together new pipline and script. T...
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [3]
OK - just went through your proposed program. 1. I used the normal threshold module as the lightnin...
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [13]
Of course this make sense! It's just I did not managed to get the Relay_X changed even with confidence way above 95 or when I d...
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay
Hi, ok - now that RR has stopped crashing (Thanks Steven!) I'm trying to make my way around.
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [11]
Please see the screen shoot I attached - shape confidence was 97,62... I can even drop it down to 70 it don't hel...
11 year 24 4269
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [9]
I've added the SetTimedVariable to controll the delay in firing respective relays and second line for each relay to set it back...
11 year 24 4269
Advantech I/O board support
Hi, while searching for the most convinient way to control relays in my application I found these nice boards:
11 year 3 2158
Advantech I/O board support [3]
Well actually I bought Phidgets 888 for test - this was just an sugesstion. I'll try with pidgets and see how wel...
11 year 3 2158
RR keeps crashing, no historogram, out-of-memory error / win7 pro 64bit [5]
Great news! I'll give it a try as soon as I'm back from work - in about 3 hours. Ch...
11 year 6 3254
RR keeps crashing, no historogram, out-of-memory error / win7 pro 64bit [3]
Regarding the Ctrl key option: I started the RR with ctrl to clear the pipline and after that opened the saved .ro...
11 year 6 3254
RR keeps crashing, no historogram, out-of-memory error / win7 pro 64bit
Hi, after an long search I found your software which is really great and will work well for my application.
11 year 6 3254
RR keeps crashing, no historogram, out-of-memory error / win7 pro 64bit [6]
Works! Thanks!...
11 year 6 3254

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