29 posts
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Xbee with Arduino [8]
Here is another VB that i have tried to mod, to no avail.  I think i have to look into the arduino code to get to work...
11 year 10 3692
Xbee with Arduino [7]
Any help is grateful. so, forget the vbscript that i posted, doesn't work duh!.  If i wr...
11 year 10 3692
Xbee with Arduino [6]
Well, to be honest, I am not sure on which to use, keyboard send or read.  I am trying to use xbee and was able to use...
11 year 10 3692
Xbee with Arduino [4]
Replied too quickly, sorry, I did get the xbee to work with the Freeduino arduino and one servo usi...
11 year 10 3692
Xbee with Arduino [3]
Nevermind, figured it out, Now I'm cooking with Crisco....
11 year 10 3692
Wireless Camera Options [2]
To all Roborealm users: I was wondering what success have you had with your wireless cameras. ...
11 year 2 1895
Network Camera [3]
You don't need the camera type, leave that blank.  Just the URL.  If you have Mozilla firefox you can get t...
11 year 2 1859
Blob Recognition, Image Compare, or Feature? [3]
I've used it for years, yes the software will work you will just need to play with the settings.  Try the trial, follo...
7 year 4 1803
Why the change?
STeven, Price change? Ive taken a long while since last post. I'm stil...
4 year 2 1927

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