330 posts
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Clarrify licence ( 1st january 2012) [6]
The AVM Navigator is an additional module that is distributed along with RoboRealm and you can download it from your account lin...
13 year 5 2452
AVM [6]
This variables is available in new version of AVM Navigator v0.7. So, you should just redownload your RoboRealm an...
13 year 5 2511
AVM [5]
Just use the variables that described below for connection of your robot to AVM Navigator: Use vari...
13 year 5 2511
Route Recorder [4]
2. Call the dialog window of AVM Navigator (click on it at video processing pipeline) and then switch to “Nova gate mode&#...
13 year 5 2765
input bounding box data to avm [5]
Use NV_TRACKING_DEPTH variable for object tracking managing: ...
11 year 5 2979
avm [5]
But servo would be better solution for camera turning because it participates in initial localization of "Marker mode" and "N...
13 year 6 2398
avm [3]
You should use servo for camera turning and use variable NV_TURRET_BALANCE in this case. But if you use just simple motor instea...
13 year 6 2398
Object recognition or fiducual? [7]
>> Could you perhaps post a tutorial? * Connect your robot to AVM Navigator <...
13 year 6 4637
Object recognition or fiducual? [3]
You can also try to use AVM Navigator for visual beacons recognition in "Object recognition" mode: ...
13 year 6 4637
avm [7]
In dialog window of RoboRealm "Lego NXT" module there is "Servos" page. So, if you have lot of servos amounting to your NXT ...
13 year 6 2398
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle [7]
I prepared emulator program (based on Quake 3 mod) for acquaintance with "Marker mode" and "Navigation by map" modes.
13 year 7 3831
AVM: tank drive assumed? [3]
>> My Python code uses NV_FORWARD and NV_BACKWARDS to compute speed and direction for the motors.  It uses NV_RI...
13 year 7 3419
Training Time [6]
By the way, new version of AVM Navigator with "Navigation by map" mode is available now and robot automatically defines his lo...
13 year 7 2467
Lane & Obstacle Detection [7]
Sorry but it was not my experiment I just found it accidentally :) But you could ask author of this work: ...
13 year 7 2882
just in time debugger error [4]
You could also try AVM Navigator module for object recognition in your task: ...
12 year 7 2439
Training Time [5]
The training time of AVM is not a problem in this case. If you not have enough time for training on some object then you should ...
13 year 7 2467
Fixed Tracking [8]
You can try to use AVM for object tracking (face, eye, mouth): ...
13 year 7 2231
AVM: tank drive assumed? [8]
You can also use DVR Client-Server for memorizing and analysis of values of variables that were involved in your robot control a...
13 year 7 3419
Lane & Obstacle Detection [5]
Quote from [ http://www.sampson-jeff.com/ro...
13 year 7 2882
AVM Navigator variables [6]
I am just developer of AVM Navigator and I can clarify how to use this module or add some useful features to the new modificatio...
13 year 7 2547

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