9 posts
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Object counting [6]
Thanks for Your reply. I am aware of the poor de-interlacing. I plan to use progressive cameras only in the future. The clip is ...
13 year 11 5669
Object counting [4]
Thanks for Your suggestions. I am currently working with an actual avi from the counting camera in a live setting where people w...
13 year 11 5669
Object counting [2]
I am a total noob when it comes to RoboRealm and programming in general. But i am eager to learn. I wonder if somebody can point...
13 year 11 5669
Object counting [9]
I am so happy to hear that! Looking forward to hear about Your findings. I have spent hours with RR and havent been able to sepa...
13 year 11 5669
Object counting [7]
Any more ideas about how to solve this so a fairy accurate counting can be done?...
13 year 11 5669
Reccommended Cameras? [3]
If You mean RCA output then it is an anlog camera and the FPS will not go above 30 in NTCS and 25 in PAL. If You need to go abov...
15 year 3 2076
Thoughts [2]
Still experimenting with my people counting.. 1. Once a blob is identified and displayed after filtering, how do Y...
15 year 1 2344
Poor AVI speed with new version [3]
Some more info: The computer i normally use for this has a AMD Duocore CPU. I just tried the same version of RR on a computer wi...
15 year 2 1845
Poor AVI speed with new version [2]
I just downloaded the latest version of RR because i had problems with crashes when using flood fill under Vista. In the old ver...
15 year 2 1845

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