15 posts
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RRModule.dll not working [4]
It worked ! My self-compiled extension also worked. Thanks Steven.
15 year 3 1707
More resolutions in Mosaic [3]
Actually I can confirm the skew issue only happens with with a resolution of 352x288. If I change it to something more standard ...
15 year 3 1617
Bug selecting 2nd of 2 identical cameras [5]
I just downloaded v1.8.23.29, and just like Pat: -I don't see the #2 anymore. -I do see the 2 camer...
15 year 18 2796
Bug selecting 2nd of 2 identical cameras [8]
And for me too ! Thanks STeven....
15 year 18 2796
Bug in Color_Filter [4]
Please, try this robo file. Thanks, Emil...
15 year 6 2041
Bug in Color_Filter [5]
BTW, I tried your robo file, and it crashes if I double click on it directly. However if I launch Roborealm and th...
15 year 6 2041
Bug in Color_Filter [7]
The new v1.8.23.4 solved the problem. Wow, I reported 2 bugs yesterday evening, and both were fixed...
15 year 6 2041
Bug in Color_Filter [2]
In version or (not sure because I downloaded but it displays ...
15 year 6 2041
Bug in Display_Line [2]
In version or (not sure because I downloaded but it displays ...
15 year 4 2089
Bug in VBScript [2]
I'm using RR I'm trying to use VBScript just to copy an array variable into another. The ...
15 year 2 1668
Bug selecting 2nd of 2 identical cameras [2]
I have a total of 3 cameras on my laptop: Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000 Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000 #2
15 year 18 2796
getImage crashes Roborealm [2]
Hi, I'm using the API In my C++ program, talking to RR v2.0.0.0 using getImage In my...
15 year 3 1852
More resolutions in Mosaic [2]
Thanks STeven for showing me the mosaic module earlier. It's definitely the best way to go to handle several cameras.
15 year 3 1617
RRModule.dll not working [2]
I just downloaded the latest version (v1.8.21.4) I wasn't able to make the SwapColor extension work.
15 year 3 1707
Running 2 instances of RR [2]
Is it possible to run 2 instances of RR on the same machine? I tried and launching a second instance, and it just ...
15 year 3 1605

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