Bug in VBScript
Emil Valkov  [16 posts]
16 year
I'm using RR
I'm trying to use VBScript just to copy an array variable into another.
The last value in the array appears to be dropped.

My .robo file enclosed contains 2 vb_scripts.
The first just sets TEST to 1,2,3,4

The second script is the important one:
it sets TEST1 directly from TEST, and shows the problem. (TEST1 = 1,2,3)
I also tried to copy the array into another array and that strangely seems to make it work (TEST2 = 1,2,3,4)

Anonymous 16 year

You are correct! It looks like the SetArrayVariable was off by 1 in setting the array values. This has been corrected in and is available for download. Note that in this corrected version the Dim parameters need to be 3 as apposed to 4 since VB is inclusive, i.e. the element indexes are 0 to 3. Attached is your corrected robofile that should show the correct operation of copying arrays, etc.

Thanks very much for your bug report!


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