40 posts
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Info Displayed On Screen When Clicked? [2]
Dear RoboRealm & STeven As you might be aware, I am using RoboRealm to Pan & Tilt my webcam. I was ...
14 year 2 2045
Unable To Upload ftp images [2]
Dear RR, I am using RoboRealm Version and having problems upload images using the ftp modu...
15 year 24 4457
Unable To Upload ftp images [23]
Hi Dave. It's my entire bandwidth that lowers from 4Mbps to 56k. So even opening google takes for ever and will take several ho...
15 year 24 4457
Unable To Upload ftp images [21]
I also agree Dave that you wouldn't expect my bandwidth to be comprimised if nothing is being uploaded but for some reason if e...
15 year 24 4457
Unable To Upload ftp images [19]
Hi Dave, I am using another FTP upload program (webcam32) that uploads every 60 seconds but gives y...
15 year 24 4457
Unable To Upload ftp images [17]
Hi STeven & RR, Everything is working great with the FTP upload but I am finding the FTP connection...
15 year 24 4457
Unable To Upload ftp images [15]
Whooopeee, success guys :) I also got it ALL working, both FTP upload and all my buttons using the ...
15 year 24 4457
Unable To Upload ftp images [6]
Thanks Dave, I tried putting "www.yamahabikersforum.com" into the hostname box and "www.yamahabi...
15 year 24 4457
Unable To Upload ftp images [4]
Hi STeven, Thanks for the quick reply as usual. I have tried without the prefix also and still it w...
15 year 24 4457
Remote PTZ of Quick Cam [9]
Got it...thanks guys :) -NairB...
16 year 10 3090
Remote PTZ of Quick Cam [6]
Joel & STeven, Excuse my ignorance here but I am trying to figure out exactly what this does?
16 year 10 3090
Logitech Sphere / Orbit AF [13]
Hi Dave, Just seen your kitchen webcam, works great :) I also see that...
16 year 15 2953
Logitech Sphere / Orbit AF [10]
Sure is STeven.....Just to let you know that the "preset" values go as high as (35 or -35) on my cam and I found this will giv...
16 year 15 2953
Logitech Sphere / Orbit AF [8]
Whoopee...it works, thanks STeven. See it here ...
16 year 15 2953
Logitech Sphere / Orbit AF [4]
Steven, I downloaded this new version and also the move_orbit.robo file and I cannot seem to get "...
16 year 15 2953
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [15]
Excellent STeven, I am downloading the new software as I speak and will let you know how it goes. W...
16 year 48 6085
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [29]
Oh Dave, Try putting a "center" button on your page like I have done....see my page to copy the s...
16 year 48 6085
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [49]
Hi STeven, The greatest danger from direct sunlight comes from the right, over the church you see b...
16 year 48 6085
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [12]
Thanks Dave for that advice. I have put the index file back to the original to see how the cam resp...
16 year 48 6085
My Logitech Sphere AF freezes when pan buttons clicked [28]
I like Dave is delighted with the latest version.....no problems from what I can see. I have also l...
16 year 48 6085

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