6 posts
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Hi, I believe Atom has managed it, you need to get hold of RCB Commander and pass keypresses to it from RR.
16 year 2 2053
Green ball tracking tutorial [2]
Hi, the green ball tracking tutorial causes the latest version of RR to crash on startup. Is there...
16 year 5 2097
Kondo robots with roborealm [6]
Hi Atom, Did you use RCB Commander and a the RR function to pass key-presses along to another progr...
16 year 8 3015
How to track a person [12]
Hi, Still couldn't get the "nearest" function to point to an object. It always blanks off the s...
16 year 12 5929
How to track a person [11]
Hi, thanks for the prompt reply. Although it doesn't crash anymore, the green bar is displayed no ...
16 year 12 5929
How to track a person [9]
Hi, This robo file causes Roborealm to crash for me, can anyone sugest how to fix it for the latest...
16 year 12 5929

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