Green ball tracking tutorial
Orac from United Kingdom  [6 posts]
16 year
Hi, the green ball tracking tutorial causes the latest version of RR to crash on startup.

Is there any thing I can do to get it to work correctly again as I ned to get ready for a system demo this weekend?

Anonymous 16 year

Unfortunately we are unable to replicate your error. Perhaps it has something to do with the image that you are testing with. We included the robofile below that we know works with the most recent version. This one does NOT include the SSC module ... can you try this out and see if it fails?

Also, if it does, can you save an image of what is being processed when it does fail? Or does it fail immediately even on a static image? That will help us understand your issue.

Also note that most fails happen when working with webcams so be sure your webcam can be seen in RoboRealm even before processing any of the images ... that will help to rule that issue out.

Anonymous 16 year
Hi, not sure what went wrong before. I re-downloaded RR and all seems ok now. Maybe I had a corrupted file.

I noticed that you had an Instructable on www.instructables.com.

I have just uploaded my Robot Instructable and am getting some good feedback.


Anonymous 16 year

That's very cool! The robot really does seem like a well behaved pet!

Thanks for sharing and let us know about future developments that you are thinking about for your robot. We're hoping to add better navigation capabilities to RoboRealm which should help your robot get around the garden easier on its own.

Anonymous 16 year

The navigation updates sound great, looking forward to that.

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