Kondo robots with roborealm
Atom from United States  [2 posts]
16 year
Is there anyone interfacing a rcb3-hv controller board with roborealm. I would like to use roborealm to run my KHR1_hv autonomously to track balls. Can anyone help with this.
Anonymous 16 year

Sorry .. no one that we know has interfaced with that controller board. Perhaps you can contact the vendor of the robot and let them know of your interest. We're always willing to integrate new controllers but need cooperation of the vendor in order to do so.

Atom from United States  [2 posts] 16 year
Seems I worked with your software to come up with a solution. Using COG,RGB filter, and mouse along with a small button program to get my bot to run autonomous. Check the video if your interested..
Thanks , I hope to integrate another camera to get more distance and write another program to find goal location to head towards.
Anonymous 16 year
Wow, that's just cool! Nice work Atom, definately nice work!

Please keep us updated with any new progress, we're really interested in this line of development!

Orac from United Kingdom  [6 posts] 16 year
Hi Atom,

Did you use RCB Commander and a the RR function to pass key-presses along to another program?

I have a manoi and have been thinking along the same lines.


Anonymous 16 year
Yes I did ...
Anonymous 16 year
Hi Atom,

   Do you mind posting your .robo file here for others to use and perhaps a brief description of what you need to get it working. It would be a big help for others going down this path.

Also there was a video posted to youTube showing the Manoi AT01  running Roborealm was that you ? See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbkeoPwUBPY

Anonymous 16 year
I will be posting a "how to" on another robot forum, and I will link it form here. Its not all that complex of a solution you might be able to figure it out with a little time playing with Roborealm. Which I suggest, to get a better understanding of Roborealm. You will need it in order to tune the program to suit your needs. Also it requires another program to work "RCB Comander" . Which can be downloaded form the Kondo site.
I hope that someone would write a plugin to interface the RCB3hv board so we could accomplish more sophisticated tasks. I am not a experienced programmer so it will be a while before I could begin to take a shot a that. But hopefully this may spark some interest.

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