13 posts
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Kinect Depth [3]
You can transform the DEPTH-RGB values to RAWdepth: RAWdepth = G*256 + R    &nb...
14 year 2 3101
Depth marker data format
Hello, using only Depth (RawDepth) with my Kinect I get 640x480 pixel on the display, origin: lower left corner. <...
11 year 2 3104
No RGB-data with Kinect [3]
STeven, RR 2.58.11, Microsoft_Kinect-Module: Depth and RGB running now flawlessly together.
11 year 3 3119
No RGB-data with Kinect
Hardware:  PC Windows 7(64bit)  and Xbox 360-Kinect (early  version) ...
11 year 3 3119
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [2]
After a lot of trials to install the drivers and 2 system restores (Windows Vista) RoboRealm is now able to find the Kinect devi...
14 year 47 6407
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [35]
After wasting one week in endless trials to get a depth image from the RR Kinect-modul  I give in. No Ki...
14 year 47 6407
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [31]
I just followed the Vista installation instructions. To avoid any trouble that the windows hardware installation ...
14 year 47 6407
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [24]
STeven, I just finished the installation on my Windows XP-PC (XP pro, SP3) and RR 2.29.2 is runnig ...
14 year 47 6407
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [23]
STeven, I gave it a try (Vista SP2), same result as ever and the same Mel has posted....
14 year 47 6407
Kinect-modul does not show depth-image [3]
“Either way we have it operating fine on both Win7 and Vista. “ I am glad to hear that. But on my m...
14 year 47 6407
Kinect [7]
I don’t have any experience with Windows 7, but may be that my Vista experience will be helpful. After you have un...
14 year 17 9187
Kinect [18]
Sorry! The equation in A little C# example.zip for the RAWdepth value is wrong!
14 year 17 9187
Kinect [16]
Win, as an example how to get the depth values with the API a little example in C#. ...
14 year 17 9187

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