No RGB-data with Kinect
Guenter Wendel from Germany  [13 posts]
10 year
Hardware:  PC Windows 7(64bit)  and Xbox 360-Kinect (early  version)

My new license  RR 2.58.8 (linusb driver displays  depth-data, infrared-data but NO RGB. Whatever combination (no depth display, depth and rgb, rgb 1024x768, .....) I tried, NO RGB. Sometimes there was an error-message: "Kinect: Invalid Tag in Initialization(49)".{ or (27) or(91) or ....}

I tried different linusb-drivers (the "linusb-win-32-bin-" from the link in the RR documentation and the more  actual "linusb-win-32-bin-". Always after thoroughly uninstalling the old drivers with the device-manager. No RGB!
I plugged the Kinect in different USB-ports. No RGB!
I uninstalled RoboRealm, made a new installation with a new download. No RGB!

And it is not a problem of the RGB-Camera in my Kinect. I found on my Win7-laptop an old version of RoboRealm (2.42.11). After the installation of the "linusb-win-32-bin-"-drivers this old RoboRealm displayed depth and RGB side by side. No problem at all. This old version has no infrared-display.

I also tried OpenNI-drivers. I don't succeed. I even can't install the OpenNI-drivers (after thoroughly uninstalling the old drivers...). Maybe that I didn't take the right ones:
The link to the OpenNI-driver in the RR-OpenNI-documentation leads to an "Error 404", so I tried
OpenNI  : OpenNI-Win32-
OpenNI2: OpenNI-Windows-x86-
I would prefer to use the linusb version, because I can get the accelerometer data and I can control the LED-state.

May be you have an idea, what else I can try to use actual RoboRealm with the Kinect.

Best regards,
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year

Go ahead and download the latest RR version and the RGB issue using the Microsoft_Kinect module should be corrected.

Guenter Wendel from Germany  [13 posts] 10 year

RR 2.58.11, Microsoft_Kinect-Module: Depth and RGB running now flawlessly together.
I appreciate your work. Thank you!


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