Measure the distance between a hole and a line
David A from United States  [2 posts]
8 year
Could you outline the steps that would need to be taken, if possible, to measure the perpendicular distance from the center of the corner hole to the white lines both north and east of the hole. The image is a bit blurry, and I will purchase a higher resolution camera, better lens and your software if you can demonstrate the capability. Thanks in advance.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 8 year
This will probably completely change once you actually get a better lens. The camera is probably fine, just need a macro lens to get a closer object better in focus. You also NEED to be sure that the object is perfectly perpendicular to the camera to get the right measurement ... or a calibration process.


See attached image and robofile for one way that this can be done.



David A from United States  [2 posts] 8 year
Thanks Steven - I'll review deeper. Appreciate your help. I'll touch base after new image components are purchased and more time is spent reading and testing.

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