Webcam Recommendations?
10 year
I need a webcam that is pretty powerful, and was looking for recommendations.

I was hoping for something that can do 60fps, provides deinterlaced images, and has a pretty decent resolution.

Now I have an old sony cybershot digital camera that has an HDMI out on it.  So I'm guessing that maybe I can just mount that on a tripod and use that?
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 10 year
60fps will pretty much reduce you down to a couple webcams ... most will already do deinterlaced esp. webcams. If you get into digitizing NTSC/HDMI images then you'll have to double check your digitizer as that typically still comes in as interlaced.

For 60fps webcam, have a look at the Playstation 2 camera. Its got good performance for the cost but does require a specialized driver ... but that works well too.


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