how to link C++ program and telnet program?
De Boissezon from France  [2 posts]
11 year

i've got to make the implantation of the vision in a laboratory on an automate.

so here i'm trying to make the link between roborealm and a C++ program.
i would like to make a simple program which is :

prog C++ ask to roborealm what is the value of the variable
and print the answer.

could someone help me to make it?

forgive my ignorance but all of those language are absolutly knew for me and i'm trying as much as i can to make it works and i waste a lot of time to search^^

have nice day
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year
You should have a look at the API and the example downloads that show how to do what you ask in many computer languages. Pick one that you are most comfortable with.


and example downloads



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