RoboRealm WebServer and Labview
12 year

I am new to RoboRealm, and was wondering if it is possible to use the WebSever to export variables from RoboRealm and use them in Labview.  I need to be able to have RoboRealm running on one computer, and on the same network have another computer collect the variable data from RoboRealm and use it in Labview.  The WebServer may not be the best way to go so if anyone has any other ideas feel free to share them.

Anonymous 12 year
While that might be possible using the webserver ... you'd probably be better off using the API which has an example on how to interface RR to labview.

If you download the examples you will see a labview one in there.


Anonymous 12 year
I downloaded the example and tried testing it by activating the API server for port 6060, and then on the same machine opened the API program in Labview.  When I ran the Labview program I got the error message "TCP Open Connection in get_ror_var_tester.vi" in the get_ror_var_tester error window, and also in the two error windows in the get_ror_var program.  I entered the variable I wanted to get as IMAGE_COUNT and set the port to 6060 along with the max variable length as 4.
Anonymous 12 year
What information is the TCP connection using? Did you set the right hostname (localhost) and port (6060)?

Anonymous 12 year
The TCP Port is collecting the distance variable output.  The port is set to 6060, but where do I input the correct host name?

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