solar tracker
abdelsalam from Egypt  [4 posts]
12 year
Looking for a solution to use the software for a solar tracker by attaching a mirror to a pan tilt device. Following steps are required:
1. Camara to find and save location of focal point (could be a frying pan or stirling engine). This will be a set position.
2. Next step to locate the centre of the sun and constantly updates the coordinates. (solar movement along the sky)
3. constantly calculate angle between focal point and sun centre and position the mirrors and 1/2 the angle. (This will direct the sun beam to the focal point)

Is this programmable?

I want to contol a number of units to generate sufficient heat. Each unit works with a camera to perform the required task individually. Can the software cope with several units running in parallel?

Will use roborealm with a trossen robotics pan tilt unit. Could this be a feasable project?

abdelsalam from Egypt  [4 posts] 12 year
hi steven, i am working on solar tracker with dual axis, and i wanna to use camera and roborealm to track the sun, how can i do this? and what modules can i use?
Anonymous 12 year

First start with the hardware. Can you take a picture of the sun using the camera you'd expect to use? That's tricky unless the camera has a very fast shutter speed, otherwise it may wash out the entire image.

Once you have that picture, post it here and we can take a look. For example, see the attached robofile. That locates the brightest object in the image. Singled by a green dot.



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