for EDTV
13 year
What exactly are the steps that you go through to do the "follow me"? I see the video, but don't see the robo file.


EDV  [328 posts] 13 year
1. Connect your robot to AVM Navigator.

Just use the variables that described below for connection of your robot to AVM Navigator:

Use variable NV_TURRET_BALANCE for camera turning: NV_TURRET_BALANCE - indicates the turn degree amount. This value range from -100 to 100 with forward being zero.

Use for motor control NV_L_MOTOR and NV_R_MOTOR variables that have range from -100 to 100 for motion control ("-100 " - full power backwards, "100" - full power forwards, "0" - motor off).

You also can used alternative control variables (motors range from 0 to 255 with 128 being neutral):

NV_L_MOTOR_128, NV_R_MOTOR_128 - motors control
NV_TURRET_128 - control of camera turning
NV_TURRET_INV_128 - inversed control of camera turning

2. Further you should train AVM to some object in "Object recognition" mode and then switch to "Navigate mode" for activation of control variables (NV_L_MOTOR, NV_R_MOTOR, NV_TURRET_BALANCE and others). The "follow me" algorithm will be activated (Navigate mode) when you show object which was learned earlier in front of your robot.
Anonymous 13 year
Thank You, my friend, I will look over this.

Anonymous 13 year

   Just pretend that you are working with a complete and total idiot, because you are. Pretend that you  are talking to a computer. If you skip one step of the process, the program will not work. So talk to me as if you were talking to a computer. Every step spelled out. And if you do that, I MAY understand.


EDV  [328 posts] 13 year
Just let me know if emerge any additional questions and we will resolve it step by step ;)
Anonymous 13 year
Forgot to tell me to hook up to control >>robots>>roomba.

Seems it started doing something. I trained it on a flashlight. When I switched to navigate mode, it started going backward. No matter what I do, it goes backwards until I have to unplug it.

This is Wonderful, because before, It did not do anything. Now, a little adjusting and it will be good to go. I feel good because this is the BEST it has done in the 8 months that I have been trying.  After this, I want to get it to simulate the Q3 mode  or any kind of obstacle avoidance.

What would you like for me to do?


EDV  [328 posts] 13 year
Can you prepare some video of AVM Navigator testing on your robot for me?
It could help me in analyzing of current situation.
Anonymous 13 year
right now, I am using my desktop with the camera hooked to it and running RR on the desktop. It is linked through the factory irobot cable to the robot. I am waiting for a few items to come in to finish the robot. One of the items I have to aquire is a 10" netbook. I don't know how long this will take.  I figured if I could get the stuff doing what it was supposed to do, when everything comes in and I finish the robot then I can run the software on it.

I will be changing the microsoft lifecam to a kinect unit. It should work equally as well.

Thanks for your help. I will send video as soon as I can, but it may be a while.

In the mean time, could you give me an organized guess?


Anonymous 13 year
I put under min/max limits:

Is this correct?
EDV  [328 posts] 13 year
>> In the mean time, could you give me an organized guess?

What if you try to train with "AVM Quake 3 mod" for acquaintance with "Marker mode" and "Navigation by map" modes?

It would be nice for understanding how works with these modes and how use it on your real robot.

Follow this manual and feel free to ask me if emerge questions:

>> I put under min/max limits: -100/100
>> Is this correct?

Yes of course but you also can limit value of variables NV_L_MOTOR and NV_R_MOTOR by parameters "Move/Turn speed" from Navigator dialog window (these values is 99 by default).
Anonymous 13 year
I have played with the Q3 module. It is very neat. I would like to use it for obstacle avoidance in the real world.
Anonymous 13 year
OK, here is another question while I am waiting for this robot's parts to come in.

I hooked the factory roomba serial cable up directly to a roomba 530.  I set  up the roomba module  and said START, then I said OK and then I opened up the AVM window which was already there.

I tried in Navigate and Novagate  mode. I figured that I could now control it with the keyboard. Is that what I am supposed to be able to do?

I also tried walking to the points.

During this time,  Only ONE of the six control buttons would make it do anything. And It would ONLY go backwards.

I have it now set to 0 and 255 for the motors. I originally had them set to -100 and 100. But, that did the same identical thing.

I figure I am doing something wrong. But, again making it do anything is more than I have done so far. So, I feel we are progressing.
Anonymous 13 year
OK, I finally got the roomba controller working properly. It goes Left, Right, Backwards, Forwards.

Now, I have to get the nova and navigate working properly.

Any help would be appreciated.


Anonymous 13 year
OK, after much work, I got the roomba to be controlled by novagate. When I press the upward arrow, it goes forward. When I press the downward arrow, it goes backwards, when I press the right and left, it doesn't do anything. But, when I hold down on the upward arrow and go right or left at the same time, it goes right or left forward. The same thing is true for reverse.

YEH!!!!! It is working!!!!! It is like Christmas!!

Now, next question. How do I make all of this AUTOMATIC with object avoidance?

Thanks, EDV for sticking with me through my hard time.



EDV  [328 posts] 13 year
>> But, when I hold down on the upward arrow and go right or left at the same time, it goes right or left forward.

It work properly because "Left" or "Right" button by itself has not to cause a motion of robot (it should work only as combination with forward or downward button).

>> Now, next question. How do I make all of this AUTOMATIC with object avoidance?

Obstacle avoidance works in "Navigation by map" mode and only when robot has stuck  (i.e. the robot is pushing against a wall). When stuck the module will set the movement variables to move backwards. The stuck situation is indicated by a red rectangle with a circle in the center.

Now I think time for playing with "Navigation by map" mode on your robot.

Follow manual from chapter "Forming of navigation map":

And it would be nice if you could prepare some video of AVM Navigator testing on your robot for me.
Anonymous 13 year
Thank you.  I will be preparing some video as soon as I can.  Right now, I have my robot apart and I am playing with it in pieces. I want to finish assembling it.



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