Object recognition performance getting sluggish
13 year
I have about 40 images in the training folder for object recognition (using feature match) and the frame rate is getting extremely sluggish (I'm estimating something like a frame per second or less). This is running on an i5 processor and RR is using about 25% CPU. The camera resolution is set to 640x400.

Is this typical? Any advice or tips to improve the performance?

Anonymous 13 year
Any chance you can zip up the 40 templates and post them here? We can then have a look at the nature of the images you are using, do some profiling and suggest possible improvements.

James Dickinson from Australia  [49 posts] 13 year
I have run the object recognition module with 1000+ images at around 200x200 in side on a 640x480 camera with 30fps
Anonymous 13 year
Are you running using the "Feature Points" method? And are these faces?


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