RR closing when deleting item from pipeline
Ian Drennan from South Africa  [9 posts]
18 year

Firstly I would like to congratulate you on a fine and useful piece of software. As a newbie to using vision for sensing, I have managed using RR and a VB6 interface to navigate my robot successfully. I am using a ceiling mounted web cam as the only sensor.  

It would seem that there is a bug when deleting a Set_Variabe statement from the pipe line. For example the statement:

Set Red-X = [COG_X,Red-Y = [COG_Y] causes RR to close.

Furthermore is there a way to open a new empty .robo file ?

Currently if I attempt to open a previously saved .robo file RR closes with the windows message " RoboRealm has encounted a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvience."
I am running XP Pro on a laptop.

Set Variable Fix
18 year

Thanks very much for the bug tip. We did find a problem with the set_variable loader that was causing the crash. This has been fixed and uploaded to the site. Please download RR again and see if you continue to have this issue.

While we don't have a button for "New" just yet (that's coming) you can click on the module list and press CTRL-N to clear out all the modules to start a new one.

Please try the loading of a previously saved robo-file and let us know if you continue to experience crashes. If so please include an example robo-file that is causing the program to crash when loaded.

Thanks for the bug tips and for trying RoboReam!
Ian Drennan from South Africa  [9 posts] 18 year

Thanks for your prompt reply and correction of this problem. I have downloaded the updated RR and all is working.



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