VBScript to Keyboard Send Anonymous |
13 year
I am trying to make a usb missile launcher follow a red blob and then shoot it when it centers on it. (see attached) I am using the Keyboard_Send module to send a left or a right keyboard arrow to the missile launcher program.
The only part that does not work is reassigning a different value to the "key_ to_send" variable each time I move the blob. For instance when I move the blob to the left and test <=100, "key_to_send" is still shows up as equal to {RIGHT} (under the modified Variable table in VBScript module) instead of {LEFT}. So the missile launcher continues to turn right.
Let me know if you have any advice.
Here is the VBScript I am using( I have attached the .robo file I am using):
cogx = GetVariable("COG_X")
leftThreshold = 100
rightThreshold = 200
SetVariable "test", cogx
if test <= leftThreshold then
SetVariable "key_to_send", "{LEFT}"
if test >= rightThreshold then
SetVariable "key_to_send", "{RIGHT}"
SetVariable "key_to_send", ""
end if
end if
Anonymous |
13 year
Your "test" VBScript variable is not actually set ... you save it using a SetVariable but you should instead use cogx in the actual VBScript comparisons. Using the Subroutine SetVariable does NOT automatically create a variable in VBScript with that same value. So replace test with cogx.
Attached is your corrected robofile.
Also, we have a module for the USB missile launch which may be more reliable than the keyboard_send ...
Thanks for the pic!
STeven. program.robo
Ben from United States [4 posts] |
13 year
That's great! Thanks for the help.
Ben from United States [4 posts] |
13 year
Do you know how to send "SPACEBAR" through the keyboard send program?
Hitting space bar is how I shoot the nerf gun.
Anonymous |
13 year
Does just typing a space not work? Seems to send it to notepad just fine.
What leads you to believe that just typing a space does not work?
dope40 from Bulgaria [1 posts] |
12 year
cogx = GetVariable("COG_X")
xcor = 350
ycor = 300
if test <= ycor then
SetVariable "key_to_send", "{RIGHT}"
if test >= xcor then
SetVariable "key_to_send", "{LEFT}"
SetVariable "key_to_send", ""
end if
end if
That's how i did it and it work . :d