change RGB color filter Anonymous [2 posts] |
14 year
Hi. I've recently downloaded roborealm and it makes every image application simpler,thanks! here,I'm stuck at a point. Could I make a user interface on Visual Basic such as there will be a button and when I press that button, the color of my RGB filter will change. Or is there any other way to achieve this? Also can I do the same trick to send data and control the servos?
Anonymous |
14 year
yuri from Slovakia [1 posts] |
14 year
Hi there,
I am looking for an answer to this too and the best solution I can think of is to make a custom variable. You can then change the variable troght GUI (Buttons), API or in a script, it doesnt matter. In the main program you would just use IF-THEN like this:
IF (variable == "red") THEN
RGB filter RED
ELSIF (variable == "blue") THEN
RGB filter BLUE
and the rest of modules
Hope it will help
Anonymous |
14 year
Anonymous [2 posts] |
14 year
this is the exact thing I want! Thanks alot!