Object tracking With parallax servo controller Michael Grant from United Kingdom [1 posts] |
15 year
Hi there i hope people will be able to help me, i am using roborealm with a usb camera to track peopls hands/heads as they cross the screen. My question is how to interact this with the parallax servo controller so that movement of the hand depicted which way the sevo went.
Any help much appreciated.
Anonymous |
15 year
Have you looked at the Parallax servo controller module?
If you move one of the sliders that should move the appropriate servo. If you have verified this the next step is to pop a variable in that same servo variable dropdown box. This variable would then have to contain a value from 0 to 255 which would move the servo.
Creating the variable's value is then the final step. You can have a look at the red object tracking example in the Examples subtree from the main RR GUI to see how the VBScript module scales an X value from 0 -> 320 to 0 -> 255 which is a simple equation.