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motor speed or tracking speed. [5]
Hi STeven Thanks again , the FBS is 30 this is the max it goes , and i did change t... |
11 year | 15 | 3372 |
motor speed or tracking speed. [3]
Hi STeven Thanks for your time , I tried it it did not work , is there any thing i can do with the ... |
11 year | 15 | 3372 |
motor speed or tracking speed.
Dear STeven, Many thanks for your earlier help i have one more thing here, i did suc... |
11 year | 15 | 3372 |
motor speed or tracking speed. [13]
Dear Steven Firs of all I really appreciate your help, patient & support also I would like to thank... |
11 year | 15 | 3372 |
motor speed or tracking speed. [11]
Hi STeven, I did whta u said but nothing changed the FPS still below 30 . this is th... |
11 year | 15 | 3372 |
motor speed or tracking speed. [9]
Hi STeven, Thanks again, yes i did untoggle the camera button and its not cupturing ... |
11 year | 15 | 3372 |
Dir. & Step. Pin #
Hi All, How can I set the Dir. & Step. Pin # for the stepper motor drive Connected to the brake boa... |
11 year | 2 | 2810 |
do i have to put codes ...?
Hi Do I have to put cods to every function I want to do? For ex. I want to run motors to track move... |
11 year | 2 | 1747 |
Can RR work with this CNC Brakout board ? [2]
Hi again, Please note that this board conected to the PC throw the Serial port ( LPT... |
11 year | 2 | 1742 |
Can RR work with this CNC Brakout board ?
Hi All , Did any one try to run steppping motors with RR throw this CNC Breakout board? if yes plea... |
11 year | 2 | 1742 |
Can RR run steper motor ?
Hi all, First of all I would like to thank all people who made this grate softwaer. My qoustin is :... |
11 year | 2 | 1763 |
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