8 posts
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Object tracking [4]
EDV, Thanks I have not had time to really work with my project. But I have managed to get the movement & COG modul...
12 year 13 6656
Object tracking [2]
Just purchased RoboRealm with AVM. I would like to uase RR and AVM to recognize movement and then track the moving object until ...
12 year 13 6656
Pipeline Window [2]
I had an issue with inserting modules into the pipeline. But was resolved when I  updated RR with DVR.  When...
13 year 2 2092
Adding DVR [6]
Thank you. The in stall work great and the issue is resolved. Thank you very much. <...
13 year 5 2377
Adding DVR [4]
Steven, Purchased the DVR  module and downloaded the link. But think I messed up. I uninstalled RR before trying to in...
13 year 5 2377
Adding DVR [2]
I purchased RoboRealm  without the DVR plugin. I am assuming that I can purchase and add the plugin to RoboRealm at a ...
13 year 5 2377
Trouble installing [4]
Thank you STeven the issue is resolved. Thank youy very much. Jim...
13 year 3 1715
Trouble installing [2]
Purchased DVR and downloaded new file. Prior to installing updated RR file I uninstalled my original RR. I then attempted to ins...
13 year 3 1715

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