Adding DVR
Jim Ivy from United States  [8 posts]
12 year
I purchased RoboRealm  without the DVR plugin. I am assuming that I can purchase and add the plugin to RoboRealm at a later date. Is that correct?

Anonymous 12 year

Yes that is correct. In that case you would just select the DVR checkbox and it will auto-upgrade your account. You will still get the same download link. It will just then include the DVR module too.

Jim Ivy from United States  [8 posts] 12 year
Steven, Purchased the DVR  module and downloaded the link. But think I messed up. I uninstalled RR before trying to install the updated file containing the DVR module. I get a notice that I have tried to install RR on more than one computer and need to remove RR from the computer.

What now?
Anonymous 12 year

We adjusted things from our end ... go ahead and give it a try again.

Jim Ivy from United States  [8 posts] 12 year
Thank you. The in stall work great and the issue is resolved.

Thank you very much.


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