30 posts
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AVM [2]
Hi, Can I get some detail literature on Associative video memory technology which is based on multi...
13 year 5 3737
Face detection [2]
Hello STeven, In one of my application, I am using Roborealm (license ver 2.47.4). ...
12 year 4 4422
Face detection [4]
Hello STeven, Thanks for your inputs. I tried using the skin filter for face detectio...
12 year 4 4422
Eye Tracking [8]
Hi, Thanks for a suggestion to try AVM for an eye tracking! I tried using AVM demo wi...
13 year 15 5648
Eye Tracking [6]
Steven, Sending you a snap of sample picture. Usually, the zoom in this image would be a typical op...
13 year 15 5648
Eye Tracking [4]
Hi STeven, Thanks for the comments. For eye tracking application, it is assumed that ...
13 year 15 5648
Eye Tracking [2]
I have a Trossen Robotics 'RoboTurret Vision Tracking' kit with me. The Kit is successfully interfaced with RoboRealm and able...
13 year 15 5648
Eye Tracking [16]
Hi, I used the use VBScript program and now am able to see that turret PTU is able to track an eye ...
13 year 15 5648
Eye Tracking [14]
Thanks for your comments. I purchased the AVM Module plugin from Roborealm website last Saturday. <...
13 year 15 5648
Eye Tracking [12]
Hi, Thanks for your comments. Regarding queries in my last post, there is one correct...
13 year 15 5648

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