8 posts
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Vantec RET411P [2]
Never mind about this. Sorry....
12 year 4 2464
Vantec RET411P
OR, what if I used a DC motor and this: Vantec RET411P ...
12 year 4 2464
color tracking [3]
I should have re-read the instructions first. I see the correct drivers now.  I'll get back if I have further problem...
16 year 2 1698
color tracking [2]
I'm trying to use the color tracking program. I first got a request for a FTDI driver which I assumed was for the USB serial co...
16 year 2 1698
hardware suggestions [6]
What if the object is not an inanimate object but say a person wearing a green shirt and moving around the robot? In this case, ...
17 year 8 2331
hardware suggestions [4]
Thank you so much STeven. One more quick question. What will happen if a robot can't back away from the color object it's trac...
17 year 8 2331
hardware suggestions [2]
It looks like Roborealm will work with a DC motor or servo with the right controller: Dimension Engineering Sabertooth...
17 year 8 2331
hardware suggestions
I'd like to utilize the color tracking ability and I'm hoping for the easiest plug and play solution. The camera needs to be f...
17 year 8 2331

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