hardware suggestions
Darrell from United States  [8 posts]
16 year
I'd like to utilize the color tracking ability and I'm hoping for the easiest plug and play solution. The camera needs to be fixed, on a turret to move back and forth only. I've decided to use a servo to turn the turret. Would I have any problems with this servo:http://www.robotshop.ca/home/products/robot-parts/motors/servo-motors/specialty-servo-en/robotis-cx-28-serial-servo.html
and this:

Thank you in advance!
Darrell from United States  [8 posts] 16 year
It looks like Roborealm will work with a DC motor or servo with the right controller: Dimension Engineering Sabertooth
Anonymous 16 year

You are correct. You do need the correct usb or serial cable to connect the controller to the pc but after that the module should allow you to send motor control values directly to the controller. Note that the mode used is the packet mode. You shouldn't need to do any additional programming integration outside of RoboRealm to get that controller to work. It is possible to use others but they have not yet been integrated into RoboRealm as of yet.

Darrell from United States  [8 posts] 16 year
Thank you so much STeven. One more quick question. What will happen if a robot can't back away from the color object it's tracking?
Anonymous 16 year

Well, that depends. It it cannot backup and does not know that it cannot back up but still tries then you'll probably get stuck in a infinite loop. But since you have the camera running you can detect that the object is still the same size and thus know that while you plan to move you are actually not. This technique is known as visual odometry.

Did you have another perspective on that question?

Darrell from United States  [8 posts] 16 year
What if the object is not an inanimate object but say a person wearing a green shirt and moving around the robot? In this case, the object would remain relatively the same size unless moving away. My main objective here is to have the robot continue to track the object. No so much the repel portion of the program.
Anonymous 16 year
Then you'd have to know when to stop moving towards the person. The tracking will continue to work (i.e. pan and tilt) but its the moving towards or away from the object that will be harder. Unless you have some sense of depth this will be problematic. Either an IR distance sensor or if you know the actual size of the blob being tracked you should be able to stop the robot at the appropriate distance. There are other ways too .. if you know the height of the object relative to the robot you can use some simple trig to determine the distance ... or just stop the robot when the tilt angle of the tracking camera becomes to high .. or in the case if you don't have tilt on the camera how high the object appears in the current image frame. Lots of options here .. just mainly depends on what hardware you'll be using to decide which to  use.

Anonymous 16 year
Thanks again STeven. I'll only have pan. That's it for now. The robot will have no control over it's own movements. I look forward to experimenting with this.


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