330 posts
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More for EDV [3]
Don't worry about ADHD because your comments show me that you are clear-thinking man. You are motivated person wi...
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [20]
1. The camera should see general view (it is must be not floor or cleared wall but textured images). Hold camera forward and par...
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [35]
>> If I try to go in a straight line, he will always go Left.  But, with the Roomba Status program, he will go s...
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [19]
The turn should be slow. So, you can try for example "Turn speed = 49" and "Move speed = 59" or less....
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [31]
You can compare trends from your robot: ...
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [16]
>> Do you know of an easy file exchange server? I think we could use: ...
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [30]
Another problem that I see is empty cells in the trends and tables: ...
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [15]
Thank you! I got the archive and it really contained useful information for me :)
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [29]
>> Where would I adjust it for grayscale or color? The colored video converts to grayscale in...
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [11]
Now you ready for your robot navigation experiments and DVR Server will work like "black box recorder" in aircraft.
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [28]
Thank you for the new black box archive I got it. However we could use another file exchange servic...
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [10]
Now let's configure the DVR Client for displaying of archived variables. You can also make it by y...
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [23]
================================================= I think that it all that I was able to comment from your recent ...
13 year 43 6853
More for EDV [43]
Okay, I will wait news from you ;-) And I wish you good luck with your robot update!...
13 year 43 6853
Automatically image learning [3]
The AVM Navigator makes easy a training process on new images: ...
13 year 14 4419
AVM Map dont work [15]
Thank you again! I appreciated your creativity :) Do you plan to share video from you...
13 year 38 8061
AVM Map dont work [30]
>> I just send my command and look in the variable, NV_FORWARD jumps from 0 to 1 and back again. With the activated AVM Na...
13 year 38 8061
AVM Map dont work [13]
Thank you for good idea! I will think over your proposal with named waypoints....
13 year 38 8061
AVM Map dont work [29]
All you needed to control AVM Navigator is transmission of "-1" value to variables NV_FIRE, NV_LEFT, NV_RIGHT, NV_FORWARD, NV_...
13 year 38 8061
AVM Map dont work [10]
Some variables of AVM Navigator module is used for input (with prefix _IN): NV_IN_SET_MODE - the cu...
13 year 38 8061

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