330 posts
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Face Matching [6]
You also can use AVM Navigator as tool for learning of objects with further exporting of AVM object data to "Library AVM SDK si...
12 year 19 10030
Face Matching [16]
You should provide more information for analyzing regarding your situation that will help to understand it:
12 year 19 10030
Face Matching [5]
You can use RoboRealm API ( http://www.roborealm.com/d...
12 year 19 10030
Face Matching [13]
>> is there any relation between key image size and interest area. i know key image size should be smaller than interest a...
12 year 19 10030
Face Matching [3]
It is easy. You should just use "Object recognition mode" in AVM Navigator module. First clear the AVM search tr...
12 year 19 10030
Face Matching [11]
But how it differs from exporting of AVM object data as: "AVM Navigator" -> avm.dat -> RcgExample2.exe that I mentioned ...
12 year 19 10030
Detect movement in JPGs [3]
I think that DVR Client-Server could be good solution for this task: ...
12 year 2 2028
Now AVM is working faster [17]
Thank you for your video! I noticed several mistakes in your experiments with AVM Navigator:
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [22]
I use in my experiments: Logitech HD Webcam C270 and 3Q NetTop Qoo (Intel Atom 230 1600Mhz) for images processing by AVM Navigat...
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [37]
Also I advise to use " XviD codec" for video compression instead of "Microsoft Video 1". You ca...
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster
1. You should set the camera resolution to 320x240 25 FPS. See picture below: ...
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [67]
In our case the visual navigation for robot is just sequence of images with associated coordinates that was memorized inside AVM...
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [78]
The similarity rate parameter is showing the degree of similarity of a recognized object to model of object image that was store...
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [111]
Sorry but I have not information regarding XBee module. I use OR-AVR-M128-DS + OR-USB-UART + NetTop Qoo Intel Atom 230 1600Mhz +...
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [7]
Arrow keys is important for route recording in "Marker mode" because it is signals for start of writing to AVM and also for od...
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [15]
Okay, let’s I try by myself ;) I have switched off running motors of my robot and now it is just Ne...
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [20]
It is a testing of new robot for AVM Navigator project: ...
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [36]
You should just specify correct file name: "C:\\Users\\newson\\Desktop\\h.avi" (.avi was not there)....
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [75]
1. Now I see that you had in mind the camera view of the navigator dialog window ;-) For example we...
12 year 117 22573
Now AVM is working faster [96]
bmw318be, You should download RoboRealm package with new AVM Navigator v0.7.3.5 because this update...
12 year 117 22573

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