330 posts
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AVM Navigator variables [17]
It would be useful for comparison with regard to AVM if you also will share your results with testing SentiSight algorithm (vide...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [4]
Navigator plugin was updated. Now you can redownload the RoboRealm package for getting changes. The...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [15]
You can find out more about AVM here: ...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [3]
Brian, Unfortunately but there is not possibility to get information about recognized objects yet. ...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [12]
The AVM algorithm really works better with images that have good contrast condition. But if you try previously to normalize imag...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [10]
Also algorithm AVM automatically makes additionally training on the objects within object tracking (learning is indicated by the...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [9]
Fred, The AVM algorithm is invariant to illumination level but if it is allocated evenly. If source...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [7]
Navigator plugin was updated and new variables was added: -== Module control variable ==-
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [21]
Navigator plugin was updated and new variable was added: NV_CHECKPOINT_NOW - indicates the checkpoi...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [23]
* What your robot see and how it affect to navigation? In our case the robot uses only limited sequ...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator variables [20]
>> My robot seems to follow gates if they are in a straight line. >> How much of a turn can be made be...
13 year 22 6553
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [6]
>> I am also worried as there are a lot more unwanted "New Objects" that are being recognized without learning them.
12 year 25 6745
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [4]
I used my head as pendulum and it was working pretty well with helping of AVM tracking: ...
12 year 25 6745
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [3]
I think that "Canny Edge" module is not wanted here because AVM algorithm needs in textured objects and it possible that AVM N...
12 year 25 6745
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [12]
This video ( http://youtu.be/bARDSW6c4cQ ) showed that all was wo...
12 year 25 6745
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [8]
What if you will try to make additional learning of your marker on the pendulum when it is on the two extreme ends?
12 year 25 6745
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [8]
My e-mail is: "mail.for.edv AT gmail.com" but it would be better to continue our discussion here ;-)
12 year 28 8732
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [6]
I also made couple of experiments with object tracking: ...
12 year 28 8732
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [17]
You already have present servo position value in "turret_v" variable and value of the next position too turret_v + 1 or turret...
12 year 28 8732
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [15]
I noticed also that the value of horizontal and vertical rotation step is only 1 (turret_h = turret_h + 1, turret_v = turret_v +...
12 year 28 8732

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