4 posts
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How can i do for serial communication
   Hi Any serial communication PIC to PC example or how i obtained the variables across V...
18 year 1 3148
how can i do for serial communication
I don have interface like SSC, Lego, only PIC...
18 year 4 3757
how can i do for serial communication [4]
thnks for resolve my question, now i can transmit data on my pic, and i can take the control on the rr across the Vb, thanks a ...
18 year 4 3757
How i use in roboreal mi RF04 and CM02 modules
I have wireless modules RF04 (usb transceiver) and CM02 (transceiver I2C) conected in my hexapode robot, but i cant send data to...
17 year 1 2395

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