12 posts
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Multi Camera, logitech quickcam pro [7]
Try them in different USB hubs if they're in the same one, i couldn't get 2 generic webcams working if they share a hub. Chain...
14 year 9 3316
Tracking tennis balls [4]
I'd use an RGB filter for yellow, with a high intensity, then a flood fill with a reasonably high merge minimum size to get nic...
15 year 4 5050
Send variables to NXT in real time - use of mailboxes via USB [10]
I did get variables working over USB with my NXT a while back - All variables seem to get passed as strings (except frame count)...
14 year 11 5273
Multiple camera problems [7]
The crash is using the Edge Probe tool - i wanted it to scan a horizontal path based on variables returned by a VBScript block, ...
15 year 15 5274
Multiple camera problems [5]
Cheers. I've got a couple of other questions - firstly i've had a couple of crashes - usually doing silly things, is knowing w...
15 year 15 5274
Multiple camera problems [3]
I've just tried with the cameras in separate hubs, and location-switching is working now - maybe some sort of usb address issue...
15 year 15 5274
Multiple camera problems [16]
I'm getting them in the correct order now - both times i was just using the Write Variable to output the whole FIDUCIALS array ...
15 year 15 5274
Multiple camera problems [2]
I've got 2 identical webcams, that use the Microsoft camera driver on Vista 64. They both work individually in Roborealm (i can...
15 year 15 5274
Multiple camera problems [15]
I've gone back to an older version for now for the fiducials and it's working ok for all the default images, but the fiducial ...
15 year 15 5274
Multiple camera problems [12]
It works now once after i install, but if i re-train it, it goes back to "Loaded fiducials: 0". I've just got the default fid...
15 year 15 5274
Multiple camera problems [10]
The script box changes are great, thanks :) The edge probe now only crashes with a few variables that I renamed to...
15 year 15 5274
Multiple camera problems [8]
Just read the fiducials tutorial properly, and seen where i'm going wrong - the crash is odd but doesn't really matter, my ima...
15 year 15 5274

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