50 posts
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Counting Dices
STeven regarding your counting dice tutorial, is it possible to not only determine the overall coun...
9 year 2 2539
Detect whether camera is present?
STeven, is there a way to automatically detect whether any camera is present or not? ...
9 year 3 1965
Detect whether camera is present? [3]
9 year 3 1965
Bug with double if creation
Ich you create two if statement directly in sequence, mark the second one and move it upwards, in walks into the first if. OK. T...
9 year 2 2323
Bug in multiline cut and if statement
If you try to cut a complete if statement till its end with a multiline cut, things get messed up pretty bad....
9 year 2 2486
Inconsistency with set variable
If you use the set variable module and change either the name or the value of a variable from small to capital letters, things d...
9 year 3 2559
Python in camera mode
STeven, the attached program works with multiple images from file. If ...
9 year 3 3001
String or variable concatenation
Is there any easy way to do string concatenation (add two strings), e.g. add a string and a value, for display? <...
9 year 2 1729
Test Module
(Sorry, this belongs to test module, but I cannot select it, therefore the post will probably not show up there. No posts there ...
8 year 2 2458

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