37 posts
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Pothole detect [11]
Sure. assuming you have asphate road which is black in color or any line color which is visible red might not work on soil as so...
8 year 11 3838
Pothole detect [9]
I think if we can use line laser and then process that line made by laser on ground will be promising way to deal with this prob...
8 year 11 3838
Multi object tracking and triggering [12]
Steven Again, I am also looking for option how to get blob size of a particular blob which is under processing i.e...
11 year 12 4832
Multi object tracking and triggering [11]
Steven Thanks a lot for your help.Again, here I am sending you a robo file of situation where I want to process di...
11 year 12 4832
Multi object tracking and triggering [8]
Steven Thanks a lot for your help. Sorry I am bothering you again. objects/image will be subjected to change based...
11 year 12 4832
Multi object tracking and triggering [6]
Steven Thanks a lot for your help. It's a great software. Unfortunately vbscript you provided only track and trig...
11 year 12 4832
Multi object tracking and triggering [4]
Steven I am sending you two plot pictures of situation where I want to to target each green plant and trigger. My ...
11 year 12 4832
Multi object tracking and triggering [2]
Here is the working vbscript It work amazingly great for multiblob tracking and triggering. I found very tricky to work with it....
11 year 12 4832

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