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automatic shutter in roborealm [2]
dear steven..can u help me..can robo real has module that can snap pictures automatically for a period of time a.k.a automatic s... |
15 year | 2 | 2101 |
any module to be use with live webcam [4]
im looking for no 2..any interesting module that can use with live webcam as demonstration for me to use the software... |
15 year | 3 | 2281 |
any module to be use with live webcam [2]
hello..please help a little dummy and new to roborealm...i just want to start roborealm with just only a webcam..can anyo... |
15 year | 3 | 2281 |
want to calculate distance between 2 point [2]
how can i calculate a distance between 2 point.example i click the mouse at a and then click the mouse at b..then the distance a... |
15 year | 5 | 4828 |
RoboRealm and Lego RCX Usb [10]
i planning to buy a wireless camera and use a video audio grabber to connect to computer..can roborealm detect the camera and di... |
15 year | 10 | 4315 |
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