20 posts
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Roborealm API [2]
Does the Roborealm API provide support for Robot C ? Thank you...
17 year 2 1744
Tracking for distance [2]
  I am trying to track red objects in front of the camera that are square and have dimensions of 15cmx15cm and height ...
17 year 4 2036
Blob Filter Problem
  I am trying to do the Lego NXT Ball Picker tutorial to find a blue ball and track it. I have been able to do all the...
17 year 4 2330
Blob Filter Problem [3]
  Thank you, it now works. Is the blob filter the only way that you can detect a number of objects (obstacles) and abl...
17 year 4 2330
Tracking for distance [4]
  I can't figure out which variable I am supposed to be looking at in order to check the object size. ...
17 year 4 2036
Obstacle Tracking [3]
Any recommendations?...
17 year 5 1969
Obstacle Tracking [2]
  Was testing with roborealm and two camera's and observed that tracking my obstacles could be done only at a short d...
17 year 5 1969
Distance Variable [5]
Im tracking red square box blobs of fixed dimensions and using center of gravity module as my last filter. Till now i have been ...
17 year 5 2643
Distance Variable [2]
Can anyone tell me what variable i should be using to estimate the distance to an object ?...
17 year 5 2643
Obstacle Tracking [6]
  I 've found a set of x coords wherby i check if an obstacle is blocking the way the robot is moving towards to. The...
17 year 5 1969
Obstacle Tracking [5]
  Don't know what u mean by 3d coleration. I've managed to make myself a formula to estimate distance and it works g...
17 year 5 1969
Roborealm API for JAVA [8]
Pics Roborealm API for JAVA [7]
I have tried compiling the files with two different jdks without success. Below are two images that I have included to show the ...
17 year 8 2228
Roborealm API for JAVA [4]
Also been trying to make it work with eclipse....
17 year 8 2228
Roborealm API for JAVA [3]
The import statements to the RR_API and xml not working....
17 year 8 2228
Roborealm API for JAVA [2]
I am trying to use the api for java and retrieve some variables from roborealm during my java program execution. I have been tr...
17 year 8 2228
Mindstorm project
  I have to program a robot for my final year project. I am using the Nxt kit and with a camera. I will not be using t...
17 year 9 3886
Mindstorm project [7]
  I am thinking of building my robot to just have a space where the ball can go, as when the robot moves straight to i...
17 year 9 3886
Mindstorm project [5]
  The tutorial is helpful. I know how to search for the ball, make the robot take it and when the robot is near it's ...
17 year 9 3886
Mindstorm project [3]
Yes, but from what I see, the path planning module of RR only works in the case of having picture taken from top level of the ro...
17 year 9 3886

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