Roborealm API for JAVA Panayiotis Mousarris from United Kingdom [20 posts] |
17 year
I am trying to use the api for java and retrieve some variables from roborealm during my java program execution. I have been trying to include the api's java files to my project in order to communicate with roborealm, but with no success. Can you please tell me how to normally install the api? Do i need to include the files first as enviroment variables in windows to make it work?
Thank you
Panayiotis Mousarris from United Kingdom [20 posts] |
17 year
The import statements to the RR_API and xml not working.
Panayiotis Mousarris from United Kingdom [20 posts] |
17 year
Also been trying to make it work with eclipse.
Panayiotis Mousarris from United Kingdom [1 posts] |
17 year
Dont know what to do with RR_COM_API.dll as well. Please provide some instructions to sort this problem out.
Anonymous |
17 year
RR_COM_API.dll is for VB.net or ASP usage. You will problably not be using it for Java.
To compile the java RR_API.java test you can use
c:\jdk\bin\javac -classpath .; RR_API.java
but note that your JDK path will be different than ours.
Other than the above, you'll have to determine how your specific environment plays with the particular import statements and files. We don't support more than just the plain javac interface ... although eclipse should be very compatible with the included files.
Panayiotis Mousarris from United Kingdom [20 posts] |
17 year
I have tried compiling the files with two different jdks without success. Below are two images that I have included to show the errors, first showing compilation with j2sdk1.4.2_16 and second with jdk1.6.0_04. Both seem to have different results.

Panayiotis Mousarris from United Kingdom [20 posts] |
17 year

Anonymous |
17 year
We'll focus on jdk1.6.0_04 for now.
The current API did not support Generics which were introduced a while back. You can either specify -target1.1 in the compile script or just redownload the API examples at
as we updated the Java to support generics and also added a compile.bat that uses the 1.6 version to compile. That should hopefully get you further along.
It is also worth pointing out that you don't need to use our examples .. they are just included for those who need a reference. The API is defined in the site documentation and can be accessed using any language ... so you could just write your own socket based XML api routines to communicate with RR. And, yes, we understand that examples are helpful!
Good luck!