7 posts
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RRmodule and MS.net 2005
I have been trying to get the dll extension working with RR. I am using MS VS 2005. To start with I ...
17 year 11 2820
RRmodule and MS.net 2005 [10]
Steven   That's great, all seems to be working well with the dll now. One little problem that I'm sure...
17 year 11 2820
files posted to file-upload.com [7]
http://files-upload.com/files/511424/RoborealmExtensions.zip This contains both the release and deb...
17 year 11 2820
crash in PreTranslateMessage [4]
managed to get the debug dll to load and the crash is still in the same place ( now on the assert() rather than just memory acce...
17 year 11 2820
RRmodule and MS.net 2005 [3]
I can't tell where the exception on exit is occuring. Comes up as inside ntdll which is not much help.
17 year 11 2820
zip file with built rrmodule
Hope this helps Thanks Alan ...
17 year 1 2853
No Title
Here is a zip file of the extensions directory. I was building the dll straight into the Roborealm directory, but have put it ba...
17 year 0 3158

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