RRmodule and MS.net 2005 Alan Wood from New Zealand [6 posts] |
17 year
I have been trying to get the dll extension working with RR.
I am using MS VS 2005.
To start with I am using RRmodule/ swapcolor as supplied.
Problems so far:
1) I sometimes get an unhandled exception when exiting after using swapcolor. This happens with the rrmodule.dll supplied with RR Version
2) Building the rrmodule from the extensions download after automatic conversion from VC 6 to VC 8, causes a crash in CDialog::PreTranslateMessage() which is called with a null window handle.
Has anybody any experience with creating dlls for RR in MS Visual Studio.net 2005?
Are debug symbols available for RR.exe, to aid debugging?
Anonymous |
17 year
1. Can you tell if that error is caused by the SwapColor module? It is likely that something else within RR is causing the problem. So far we have not been able to replicate the issue.
2. Is the PreTranslateMessage within RoboRealm or the new module you are creating?
If you can you provide us with a binary version of the SwapColor module we'll debug things from our side to see if we can help.
RRmodule and MS.net 2005 Alan Wood from New Zealand [6 posts] |
17 year
I can't tell where the exception on exit is occuring. Comes up as inside ntdll which is not much help.
The PreTranslateMessage is within RoboRealm. Visual studio believes that the dll has not been loaded at that stage ( probably an error loading the dll ). Can see this because breakpoints can not be set in the dll code before the dll is loaded.
Will send a binary later, I'm not in the office at the moment.
crash in PreTranslateMessage Alan Wood from New Zealand [6 posts] |
17 year
managed to get the debug dll to load and the crash is still in the same place ( now on the assert() rather than just memory access crash.
Just thought I'd mention that the PreTranslateMessage crash is inside mfc80.dll Dialog is the SwapColorDlg object constructed. hWnd ==0 so the window was never created. I added a create() and createEx() override to the SwapColorDlg and neither was called. Also the message pointer in the call is 0.
I hope this helps, not much else I can do without source, or maybe just the pdb file on a debug build.
Anonymous |
17 year
Thanks for the info. It seems that RR will not load in the debug version of the dll correctly (even fails with ours). Can you try to compile a release version of your dll and try that?
We will see about adding a fix for that issue into RR.
FYI, your upload did not make it ... can you perhaps try http://files-upload.com/ and post the link here.
Anonymous |
17 year
The debug RRModule version is not compatible with the release version of RR. To make it compatible you have to change the project settings:
1. C/C++ tab : general : change Preprocessor _DEBUG to NDEBUG
2. C/C++ tab: code generation : change Debug Multithreaded DLL to Multithreaded DLL.
We made the changes in Extensions.zip and have uploaded the updates. You can either try the changes yourself or place your code ontop of the contents of Extensions.zip.
Let us know how it goes.
files posted to file-upload.com Alan Wood from New Zealand [6 posts] |
17 year
This contains both the release and debug builds.
Anonymous |
17 year
Thanks for the files. That really helped to indicate the issue.
We've made a bit of a mistake with the DLL Extension. We tried to make things easier for the developer but will have to back off on that trick as other versions of VC (or other compilers in general) will not behave in the same way as we were hoping. So, we're currently redoing the interface to the DLL extensions to make it much more compatible with VC2005 and other compilers in general. That should be out by the next release on Monday. So look for the updates then and I'll try to also keep you informed here on the forum.
Anonymous |
17 year
The new version of the dll extension has been launched. You will need to download the Extensions again at
and download RR v1.8.0.0 to get the new handler for the extension. We tested it in both debug and release mode in VC++5.0 and it seems to run fine. Let us know if you have any other issues.
RRmodule and MS.net 2005 Alan Wood from New Zealand [6 posts] |
17 year
That's great, all seems to be working well with the dll now. One little problem that I'm sure everyone will notice soon. Roborealm is complaining about invalid version at startup when it loads working.robo with in the <head><version>
Thanks for the quick response on the changes for the DLL.
Anonymous |
17 year
Thats great!
Thanks for the version tip. That was already detected and a quick fix (same version) was added just after we launched so you definitely quick to download.