Serial comms hang application Anonymous from United States [3 posts] |
18 year
I am trying to track a color, in fact I can track a color but when I open the serial port the FPS drops below 1 and I lose serial control. This doesn't happen immediately maybe 2 or 3 minutes into it. Is this my system? is it a known issue?
I read , I believe, that serial is transmitted every frame, is there a way to alter the transmission rate maybe slow it down?
thanks in advance Jeff
Anonymous |
18 year
We noticed a similar issue just last week when working with a serial device. It turns out that hardware handshaking was causing the issue. We changed the serial routine to ignore that and it now works for us. If you have not already done so, download the latest version as that may have the fix you are looking for.
If that doesn't work then what device are you communicating with? What is the baud setting that you are using?
If is possible to slow down the serial comm. Just put a If Statement module around the serial module and test for a variable that toggles between two numbers. To create that variable you would use a VBScript module with something like
SetVariable "my_toggle", GetVariable("IMAGE_COUNT") mod 2
or a number greater than 2 to slow it down even further.
Anonymous from United States [3 posts] |
18 year
Thanks for the quick reply STeven, I will download the newest version and check it out. I am a newbie with the scripts but I think I can figure the If statement out.
I'll get back when I have tested it out ,once again thanks
Anonymous from United States [3 posts] |
18 year
Hi, the serial connection in the latest version works great.