change filters
Roque from Mexico  [2 posts]
17 year
Hi, well my Question how can i change the RGB(filter) from one color to other with a vb script or a visual basic program, i would like to use a form where i have buttons to change the value of the RGB filter or other options to be able to track diferent objects by the color
Thanks for the Help
Anonymous 17 year

What you can do is surround several RGB Filters with defined colors with the conditional statement (Statements->If_Statement). So you pipeline would look something like:

if mode = "red" then
   RGB Red
end if

if mode = "green" then
  RGB Green
end if

where you would programatically change the variable "mode" to the appropriate color to be detected.

Does that help?

Change filters
Roque from Mexico  [2 posts]
17 year
Hi STeven
yeah is what i have in mind, but i still dont know how to apply it, am i using the VBscripts extension...  or i need to make the program with Visual basic first... i guess i dont have an idea how to apply it at all hope you can help me
Anonymous 17 year
Hi Again, ok i finally got it is working now, thanks for the help

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