VBScript Program Error
Harris Sritharan from Canada  [1 posts]
6 year
As I start up RoboRealm I get an error saying I don't have ScriptSite_64.dll in my system32 folder, but it's there, and when I use VBScript, it opens but doesn't run and I get the same error.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 6 year
Its possible that the 32 bit version of this has been registered instead. Its best to uninstall both the 32 bit and 64 bit and then reinstall just the 64 bit version. That should solve the issue. Note, it claims that it could not find it in the system32 folder but it will first check the c:\Program Files\RoboRealm folder first ... so if you don't have that file in that folder, redownload and install again (Options button-Download).


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