Reconnect to camera when lost connection?
Alec from Canada  [8 posts]
7 year

Is there an option to periodically try to reconnect previously lost connection to camera?

Thank you.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year
What camera/connection are you using? A webcam? Internet cam? GigE cam?

Anonymous 7 year
It's GigE cam (DMM 25GP445-ML) from the imaging source.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

Assuming you are using the Genicam module, that will auto reconnect if possible (i.e. the connection is still physically ok). If you are using the DirectShow drivers, switch instead to using the Genicam module.

Do either of these apply to you?

Anonymous 7 year
I believe we are using DirectShow. I briefly tried using Genicam module with no success. I will try again and see how it goes.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year
I would avoid using DirectShow as much as possible. If you have problems with the Genicam module (which is not uncommon since every camera is slightly different) you can post the contents of the Raw XML tab and the Log tab so that we can better understand what the issue might be with that particular camera.

Be sure to be using the newest version you can as that module is often updated.

Alec from Canada  [8 posts] 7 year
When I close roborealm and re-open, i get error messaging the camera is already in use. Do I have to stop the camera before closing roborealm? Or is it conflicting with DirectShow?

Thank you.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year
Its conflicting with DirectShow. Avoid using the Camera button and ensure that this is untoggled before exit. Then restart (the camera button should NOT be pushed) and add the Genicam module. Never push the camera button again ... you should not need it and it will just cause DirectShow to battle with the Genicam module.

You *might* need to reboot if anything else that uses the camera via directshow is active. Or one can try to remove those drivers entirely since you'll not need them with the Genicam module. While Genicam's can be access by more than one app, we've found that once DirectShow grabs access this is no longer true.


Anonymous 7 year
looks like FPS (uS) goes from 1 - 100. Is there a way to make it 6666 uS (or 15 FPS).

Also, Changing it at the source tab doesn't seem do anything. and on rare occasions, it's grayed out.


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