lynxmotion ssc 32U not connecting
Max from Netherlands  [8 posts]
7 year

We are experiencing some major trouble connecting the Lynxmotion module to the COM port.
The lynxmotion servo controller does not get recognised. Do we need some sort of driver to make it work, because we cannot find a driver that does this. We've tried the lynxmotion controller on multiple laptops but it just does not work. Is there anything we can try to make it work?


Steven Gentner from United States  [273 posts] 7 year

Not sure about if any drivers are needed and how the USB device looks to the PC. One would expect that the device would create a virtual serial COM port that then uses the same protocol as the serial based versions .. but this is not a guarantee.

Does the board work with Lynxmotion supplied software/examples? This is just to verify that the board is working. If it does and just doesn't work with RR then its possible that the protocol has changed since the module was created. If that is the case, we'd need access to the physical device to understand how the functionality has changed and adapt the module to support that.


Max from Netherlands  [8 posts] 7 year

Thx for the response. The board also does not work with the lynxmotion software as seen in the image.
We also cannot get it to work with Roborealm. Can you spot something wrong with our setup.

We connected the 12V supply to VS1 and the 5.5V to VL with no success. We also tried other configurations with no results.

We think we have trouble with the serial communication or the computer recognising the board but we do not know how to fix it.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

Hmm, that seems like you have a good setup. I would try to contact Lynxmotion (RobotShop) to see if you perhaps got a bad board. They will know much better than us what to test and try in terms of determining if the board is bad. As we don't even have one of those devices I have no further recommendations on what to try of what to look for.


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