Write new AVI with each movement
samuel from South Africa  [1 posts]
7 year
I've managed  to set up roborealm to write to AVI when movement is detected. Now I'm trying to have a new AVI video created each time motion is detected with the date and time in the file name is this possible? Can you point me in the right direction or something similar to this?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

Yes, this is possible. You can change the name of the filename that is created using by placing [my_filename] in place of c:\path\to\filename.avi in the Write Avi module. This means that the filename is now controlled by the variable my_filename .. which you can change in a scripting module to whatever name you want. It will know that when the filename changes to close the old one.

See attached for a simple example on creating TestX.avi filenames. Press the button to move to a new video filename. Note it assumes c:\temp\ folder exists.



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