AVM Navigator
Mal from United States  [3 posts]
8 year
Hi Stephen. I have installed AVM navigator to a windows 8 64 bit computer. I have verified that all files are there and where they should be. However, when I try to insert the plug-in into a RR pipe, I get the error that it cannot load AVM_Navigator.dll from c:\program files\RoborRalm\plugins\AVM_Navigator.dll.
The dll is there so I'm at a loss. Works fine on my 32 bit windows xp machine. Any suggestions.
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 8 year

64 bit apps are not able to load 32 bit dlls. 32 bit apps are not able to load 64 bit dlls. So, even on a 64 bit system just install the 32 bit RoboRealm version and it will load in the AVM module just fine. Note, for the most part the 32 bit and 64 bit version run about the same speed. In some modules the 32 bit will still be faster.


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