I have a question about assigning values TO an element of an array variable.
I have followed the RR documentation for reading FROM an array element using the [Array:Index] syntax and that works.
In my sample robo file, I'm trying to capture the X,Y values of the last four mouse clicks from the user and save them in an array. However, I can't figure out the correct syntax for assigning values to an array element. In addition, I'd like to specify the index of the array element by an index variable, something like this:
My_array:[Index_variable] = 1.23456
None of the following seem to work:
My_array:[<expression>] = <value>
My_array:[<index_variable>] = <value>
My_array:<digits> = <value>
[My_array:<index_variable>] = <value>
[My_array:<digits>] = <value>
I'm hoping that answer is not "the only way to assign values to array elements is within a VB script".